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About My Blog

What is it that drives you? 

For me, it’s treasure hunting!  I love scouring through Goodwill shops and rummaging through flea markets for items that I connect with.  I love collecting and sometimes hoarding things I'll never use but that get me excited just to own them.  This is my passion and through this blog I'm hoping to find others like me.


Treasure Talk is a blog to share my personal "treasures" regardless of their monetary worth.  My grandmother taught me many things and one of them was that "one man's trash is another man's treasure."  So what I value, you may not value, but I still hope that you enjoy viewing and reading about my collection. 

I hope you enjoy browsing my site and all of the unique content I have to offer. Comments and additional information on items are welcome.  Take a look around; perhaps you’ll find your own treasure to share.  I'd love to feature your find and help you discover its history as well.  Subscribe and enjoy!

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